Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Is Social Media Distroying Us?

Social Media has become huge. And I mean Huge! Ask anyone and I guarantee they have at least one media account and likely more. With sources like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Google+, Wordpress, Tumblr, and many more, its easy to see how society has become totally invested in their phones. So the thought is, when you invest so much time on something, is it truly good for us?

I mean, yes, there are a lot of pros to media sites. As someone with their own business, I know all too well the great potential for marketing, promoting, and networking. I always enjoy seeing likes and followers. Media Sites can always provide hope for potential customers. There is also the great feature of promoting events--fundraisers, meetings, you name it and it can be created. If I wanted to create a group to keep a team informed – BAM social media. If I want to be filled with advice or motivation there are pages full of it.
There is also the great ability to catch up with people. Maybe you met someone once and never really got a chance to get to know them. Or you have friends who moved away or are from another state. Sites like Facebook or Google+ can help you stay connected.
And how could I forget about the ability to sell items, make announcements, seek advice, update everyone on that funny thing your kid just did--there is quite a list! I mean, all in all, yes, there are some great benefits to social media.

But I think to question here is something we really need to consider. Is Social media causing disruption and destruction, not only on a physical level, but on a spiritual one as well?

Now how could I say this? I mean look at all the great things we just went over, surly these can overrule any flaws. But I really have been investing thought into this. (And yes I realize the hilarious irony of this being posted on social media.) Here's the thing; just the other day I saw someone who was on a riding mower using his phone. Yes! a riding mower. Isn't it a little extreme how invested in social media we are as individuals and as a society? I mean you can't go anywhere with out seeing someone checking their feed or snapping a pic to post. Is our devotion to these sites problematic?

Lets look at it from a biblical perspective.

Matthew 6:19-21 says this:
Do not lay up for yourselves treasure on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
Are you giving your time to something that will guide you closer to an intimate relationship with God? I'm not saying you can never check Pinterest or Twitter, but are you spending needless hours on them. I'm guilty of it! I waste so much time on these site, while neglecting my responsibilities and putting off time that should be spend in pursuing God. I mean, I'm not perfect, but that doesn't mean we can't seek to gain wisdom from the living word of God and apply it to our lives.

When we start spending more time and thought in planning our Instagram post then we spend with our Bible and being with God then we need to rethink our priorities. You see, as Jesus says, all that is here on earth is temporary. That post will be forgotten, your cool word play will end up buried beneath all your other posts, but our time invested in memories will last. Our devotion and investment in people, taking time to just sit and be with God, reflecting on His glory. Constantly seeking to be the light of Christ. That is what will remain.

So here are some deeper thoughts:

1.) Idle Words!

Social Media allows us to quickly type whatever we want. And sometimes in the heat of things we forget to be courteous to others. Often we quickly see something that enrages us, and we feel  compelled to reply. We also believe what we see. Not everything is true, use caution and good judgment. Gossip loves to spread like wild fire! And time on the internet is just lots of fire-starter.

2.) There is also the fact of opinions!
Come on, don't deny it, it has happened to all of us. Those wonderful internet debates. People seem to feel the need to express their disgruntlement publicly on the internet. Sadly media is an easy outlet for heated thought, and often that leads to regret. But Why? Just because you don't say something right to someone's face does'nt mean its okay to say. We need to exercise a perspective of respect and love before we publicly gripe, tattle, or debate. Because we all know your 500 word rant in reply to a reply will totally change someone's perspective and make them question their life choices, right? Think BEFORE you type!

3.) Physical Dangers!

The fact is spending a lot of time looking at a screen can dry out your eyes. We neglect being aware of our surroundings (resulting in possible injury, trees like to jump in front of you, and cars don't always see you crossing!) And of course you can get finger cramps from scrolling! :) But all of silly thoughts aside. I see a drastic lack of physical and emotional attention between people. How can we give someone our full attention when we have our phones out. It shows that we really don't care about the precious time that individual is trying to spend with us. When you go to dinner and see an entire family on Facebook it reflects just how far apart families are these days, and a large part is caused by media sites. Don't give your time to a phone that will break. Check you feed when you have some spare alone time. Enjoy memories with those you love!

4.) Be careful little eyes!
Another thought is this, people don't always post things that are pure and glorifying to God. Sadly we live in a world of evil and sin. I know I can control what I post, but I can't control others! There have been times where I was on Facebook or Pinterest and came across something I didn't want to see. By the time I realized I needed to turn away from it, it was already in my head. We should use caution with what we view. Often we don't seek out inappropriate images or foul language, but with the amount out there on the internet we are bound to cross it. Keep this verse in mind

"Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord, and turn away from evil." - Proverbs 3:7
So, these are my thoughts. I think if caution is used, and we seek to pursue God through all things, Social Media can truly be a useful tool, as long as it doesn't consume us.

What Do you think? Is social media something that has improved society and is of valuable use? Or is it something that needs to be reconsidered? Leave your thoughts below in the comments! 

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