Monday, February 22, 2016

Why I Drove 15 Minutes Into Town!

Ah, it is that time again. When signs line the streets, and every newspaper and social media outlet overflows with campaigns. Where your mailbox is jammed to the breaking point with ads, trying to "help" you make your decision. Yes, you know what I am getting at, Election Time.

Well today I was filled with lots of memories. Past years, when as a child I could only dream of actually voting. It seemed so distant. Years away. And yet today I felt the excitement that only voting could bring. The feeling of maturity, and of responsibility. Reflecting back, I am gratified for my parents strong upbringing, especially as to the  importance of voting. They taught me that even one single vote could make a difference. I know, because of them, the great suffering endured for my right to vote. How many worked hard, some even giving their life in the fight for that freedom. How others in different countries would give up so much for a choice in their Governmental offices. You see, I was taught and am a firm believer that what you don't use you shall certainly lose.

So the question is why? Why don't most American citizens go out and Vote?

Certainly there is some reason? Perhaps it is a belief that one singular vote does not make an impact or difference. People just don't think it affects them. With less than half of the eligible population NOT voting you can see my angst. Thinking its not worth their time or effort to use an freedom that is fundamental and essential to this great nation. Just think of an ant. By itself, it is small, fair in strength to its size, but weak a opposed to any stronger barrier. By itself it can hardly accomplish much. Yet as a colony, with  a great multitude of ants they can accomplish great feats. Same with a penny, alone, it is of little use, but with many it allows the purchase of just about anything. I guess my point is, your vote adds up. If everyone who didn't vote would get out and actually exercise their right,  the outcome could be vastly different.

"If you have true convictions and never take a stand then you will live a mediocre life in a mediocre world"

Maybe the reason for some is the feeling that nothing will change. I know times come when the state of politics, the economy, and  anything the government generally has control of, becomes worrisome, no matter who is in office. It doesn't seem to work out, even with a different person or party. So of course we should just abandon all hope of recovering this nation. Wrong! 

If you don't support and assist the candidates that will support your values, guess what, they won't get elected. It's like when a group is getting pizza; everyone wants pepperoni, but nobody voices their desire. You'll end up getting cheese pizza. If you have true convictions and never take a stand then you will live a mediocre life in a mediocre world. But this is where education comes into play. It ails me to hear friends tell me they picked their candidate based off their family or the appeal of their campaign ads. You might as well blindly go in and play a game of eeny meeny miny moe at the polls. I had someone tell me just the other day that they would be voting on a candidate simply because we needed a female president. And yet they knew nothing about that person's qualifications, morality, values, or plans.  You cannot weakly select someone with a cool video or a sign that states they are an honest human being. Here is the truth, people will say what you want to hear. They put their name and face where you see it constantly. So when you blank at the polls, you say "oh look I know that name, lets pick them!" I am not trying to tell you who to vote for, I simply hope to impress the importance of learning about a candidate before granting them your support. As a Christian, I look for someone who will fight to uphold the values that I am led by Christ to follow. Someone who will follow through with their promises, and remember the documents of importance that make this nation great. There is such importance in know the person for their true being, not for the face they put on. So do your research, before you fill that spot by their name.

For the first time ever, I got to vote!
I voted today! As an 18 year old, with a busy schedule, I took the time to drive out to the polls and exercise my right. It took little effort, yet will have a strong impact. So I challenge you today! To accept the gift of freedom that many long for and can only dream of elsewhere. To go and give your input in the running of this country. To go use the right that many died to give you. To GO and VOTE today!

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